What We Do
Sensory Integration
In order to function, each of us are born with sensory systems to help us process the world. Everyone lies somewhere on the sensory spectrum, usually at a functional level; however, some sensory responses may lead to dysfunction. Sensory processing difficulties may lead to overstimulation in crowded places, disliking a variety of textures while eating or playing, seeking excessive movement, poor body awareness, and many more! The sensory integration approach uses various sensory inputs to improve daily functioning from a neurological level.
Primitive Reflex Integration
We are born with reflexes, an unconscious neurological response, as an infant to aid us in overall development for the first year of life. Overtime, these reflexes should integrate or merge with our body for proper development of motor skills, emotional regulation, communication, cognition, and sensory processing. If integration of these reflexes are delayed, exercises and manual therapy techniques can be used to reconnect the neurological pathways for proper integration and functioning.
Emotional Regulation
Emotions can feel overwhelming at any age. Sometimes, if we aren't able to understand or properly process our feelings, it affects how we experience the world and relationships with those we love. The biggest key to emotional regulation is developing self awareness and communicating needs. These skills are possible even for the young ones! By offering in home services, I am able to observe emotional responses in the most natural environment. This allows for caregiver communication coaching, coping skill guidance, and self awareness development.
​Evaluations last approximately 1 hour. Your primary concerns will be discussed and assessed. Together, we will create a plan of care to serve you and your family best to meet the goals that matter most to you.
Treatment will last 45- 60 minutes. Depending on your need, we will review progress from last session and address any new difficulties that may arise. During each session, we will use sensory play, reflex integration exercises, and other activities to reach goals.
Home/Community Sessions
Home and community sessions last approximately 60 minutes and are conducted at a private pay rate. These sessions are used to target goals in a natural, daily environment such as your house or school. Feel free to ask for more details.